Fencing Rules to Follow When Moving a House

Written by Christina & reviewed by Shveta
woman carrying box

When you’re moving to a new house and selling your old one, the fence can be a major asset — or it could be a liability. It all depends on how you handle it.

When your former home is sold, where will the fence line go? What about the gate?

These are questions that need to be answered before you sign any paperwork. Here are a few fencing rules to follow when moving to a new house.

How to Choose a New Fence for Your New House?

Whether you’re moving into an existing home or building a new one from scratch, there are several fencing rules that you should follow when installing fencing around your home. This will ensure that you have the best fence for your needs and budget.

Find Out About the Current Fence of Your New Home

When you’re looking for a new house to move into, fencing might be one of the last things on your mind. But make sure to add it to your priority since it’s your first line of defense.

Take a good look at the property you’re buying and make sure the fence is part of the deal. Too many people sign on the dotted line without thinking about it, taking their fence with them. It’s not worth it.

Buy a Professional Fence

If you aren’t satisfied with the current fencing, you can get a new fence. Go for a professional contractor and ask for his estimate for a custom-built fence made out of materials compatible with your home and local climate.

Otherwise, stick to using common materials in your area, like wood or chain link. You can always get creative if you have time and resources, but if you’re moving to a new neighborhood or just looking for a quick fix, know what’s available locally before purchasing.

Choose Fences Customised for Your Home

Consider building two fences — one over your backyard and one around the perimeter of your property. This way, if you need to move your house later on down the road, you can tear down just one fence (which will be easier on your neighbors), rather than having to relocate both fences at once and tearing down two separate areas of fencing in your yard at once (making some unwanted holes in the ground).

The back of the property is the part of the fence that generally gets ignored, but it means quite a bit to your neighbors. You could use it as an entryway for guests or another access point for service personnel like plumbers or electricians. Having a gate on the back of your property works well for this purpose.

Know Your Boundary Lines

It is essential to know where your boundary lines are located on your property to ensure that your fence does not cross over into your neighbor’s yard. Crossing over into their yard without their permission can lead to legal action against you.

To find out where your boundary lines are located, you will need to consult with a surveyor or builder; however, your property deeds may also have this information if they have been drawn up accurately.

Know Your Government Fencing Rules and Regulations

There’s no federal law governing fences; states often have little or no laws addressing it. Most states have adopted property laws. There’s no presumption that either party owns the fence. If a dispute arises, both parties must prove that they own the fence and location.

For example, Queensland has different fencing legislation than the guidelines in Victoria. So make sure to check the regulations in your local area before going ahead and installing a new fence.

Check with the Local Associations

Many communities have regulations regarding the type of fence you install, how tall it can be, and what materials you can use. Private deed restrictions often dictate additional requirements, such as whether or not you can paint your fence specific colors.

Check with your homeowner’s association, if applicable. If you live in a neighborhood where homeowners must follow the conditions and restrictions, additional fencing rules may apply only to people who live in your community. So make sure to check with them before you change or reinstall new fencing.

You should also know the zoning laws and property lines. Some areas don’t allow fences at all, while others limit their use to certain areas of the yard or require fences to be built within a certain distance from the property line or other physical features of the land. Your fencing contractor should know the applicable zoning laws in your area and should be able to help you.

7 Fencing Guidelines to Keep in Mind

If you’re planning to install new fencing for your new home, the following points should be essential for your checklist.

  1. Keep things at least 10 feet away from the fence line, including any shrubs, trees, or other obstacles that could cover an intruder.
  2. You want a sturdy one at least 3 feet high — higher if possible — and preferably 6 feet or more. It’s also important to consider where you’re going to put your mailbox, garage or other site-specific structures because they’ll almost certainly be visible from the street.
  3. Don’t fence in livestock unless you have their permission to do so. Fences can be deadly to animals, but if it’s in their nature to jump high things, you will not be able to contain them without a sturdy, high-pitched fence that will keep them from escaping.
  4. Don’t leave anything (including children’s toys) outside the fence line for long periods. Children and animals can get bored very quickly, and a few minutes of open play can lead to hours of fun and exploration without supervision.
  5. Don’t put anything on the fences (including furniture), even if the items are smaller than a fist.
  6. When buying a property, it is prudent to check for any existing covenants that could affect the installation of fences on your property. A covenant is a restriction placed on the title deed of land that can affect the use of the land. If an existing covenant restricts you from installing certain types of fencing, you may need to seek permission from the relevant party before going ahead with your plans.
  7. Make sure your fence complies with municipal codes and codes from surrounding counties.


Move to a new house and the first thing you’ll want to do is start putting up a fence. You’ll have many options for fencing materials, and if you choose wisely and keep the above points in mind, your fence will provide you with privacy and safety for years.

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Picture of Christina

Christina, a highly productive writer with a half-decade of experience in the realms of moving, transportation, and logistics, stands out for her ability to create content that goes beyond mere information—it genuinely helps! Her writing not only delves into the complexities of the industry but also serves as a valuable resource for readers seeking accurate and insightful perspectives. With a commitment to staying current on industry trends, her versatile portfolio includes blog posts, articles, and technical guides, showcasing a passion for bringing the dynamic world of logistics to life through words.

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